Mark S. Kinzer and Jennifer M. Rosner, "Can Jesus as Messiah Find a Place Within Twenty-first Century Judaism? The Messianic Jewish Challenge". Pages 341-56 in Within Judaism? Interpretive Trajectories in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from the First to the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Karin Hedner Zetterholm and Anders Runesson. London: Lexington/Fortress Academic, 2024.
David Rudolph, “A Messianic Jewish Response [to N. T. Wright's Theology of Israel]”. Pages 103-29 in God’s Israel and the Israel of God: A Conversation on Pauline Supersessionism. Edited by Michael F. Bird and Scot McKnight. Bellingham: Lexham, 2023.
David Rudolph, “Ecclesiological Vision for L’Dor Vador: Paul and Jewish Identity in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 and 7:17-24”. Pages 233-58 in The Future Restoration of Israel. Edited by Stanley E. Porter and Alan E. Kurschner. McMaster Biblical Studies Series 10. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
David Rudolph, "Describing the Church in Relation to Israel: The Language of George Lindbeck and Ephesians 2-3". Pages 219-32 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Jennifer M. Rosner, "The Land in Messianic Context". Pages 204-18 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Gavin D'Costa, "Hebrew Catholics: Constitutive of the 'Body of Christ'?" Pages 32-43 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Holly Taylor Coolman, "Jewish Church: A New (and Ancient) Agenda for Catholic Theology". Pages 18-31 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Lee B. Spitzer, "Covenant Partners: Messianic Jews, Jewish Christians, and Bilateral Ecclesiology". Pages 268-80 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Antoine Levy, "Bilateral Ecclesiology and Three-Dimensionality of the People of God". Pages 130-43 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Isaac Oliver, "One Body, Two Restored Peoples: Bilateral Ecclesiology and Eschatology in Romans and Luke-Acts". Pages 181-92 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Vered Hillel, "The Parable of the Vineyard in Mark 12:1-12 as Contested Authority". Pages 81-91 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
David M. Neuhaus, "Torah as Gospel: A Conversation with Mark S. Kinzer". Pages 167-80 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Richard Harvey, "'An English Jewish Christian Heart': Mark John Levy as a Forerunner of Postmissionary Messianic Judaism". Pages 66-80 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Rukhl Schaechter, "The church preacher who gave sermons in Yiddish: Joseph Rabinowitz, a 19th century Hasid who found Jesus, hoped that his Christian-Jewish sect would improve the fate of the Jew". Forward, 5 June 2023.
Emma O’Donnell Polyakov, "Jewish-Christian Identities in Conflict: The Cases of Fr. Daniel Rufeisen and Fr. Elias Friedman". Jewish-Christian Relations. International Council of Christians and Jews, 6 January 2023.
Shalom Goldman, "Apostasy, Identity, and Erudition: Paul Levertoff (1878-1954)". Pages 319-36 in Hebrew between Jews and Christians. Edited by Daniel Stein Kokin. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2023.
Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, "Nazarenes (נוצרים) in Rabbinic Sources: What Does a Study of the Term Reveal about Rabbinic Attitudes to Christians?” Pages 455-68 in Negotiating Identities: Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE–600 CE). Edited by Karin Hedner Zetterholm, Anders Runesson, Cecilia Wassen, and Magnes Zetterholm. Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2022.
Karin Hedner Zetterholm, "Christ Assemblies within a Jewish Context: Reconstructing a Social Setting for the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies". Pages 329-350 in Negotiating Identities: Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE–600 CE). Edited by Karin Hedner Zetterholm, Anders Runesson, Cecilia Wassen, and Magnes Zetterholm. Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2022.
Wally V. Cirafesi, "Jewish Christ-Followers in Capernaum before the Fourth Century? Reconsidering the Texts and Archaeology". Pages 293-327 in Negotiating Identities: Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE–600 CE). Edited by Karin Hedner Zetterholm, Anders Runesson, Cecilia Wassen, and Magnes Zetterholm. Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2022.
David Rudolph, "Mutual Blessing between Jewish and Japanese Believers in Jesus Prior to World War II". Pages 211-27 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Jim Sibley, "Judah Monis: 'First' American Jewish Believer". Pages 229-42 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Pieter A. Siebesma, "Jewish Christians in the Netherlands: Four Examples of Yiddish-Speaking Evangelists in the Netherlands and Antwerp (Belgium) between 1900 and 1945". Pages 243-58 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Yaakov Ariel, "Encounters with Jewish Evangelism and Messianic Judaism: An Israeli Perspective". Pages 259-64 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Michael L. Brown, "The Place of Debate in Jewish Outreach". Pages 265-76 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Mark S. Kinzer, "Judaism and the Divine-Human Jesus". Pages 281-89 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Erez Soref, "Trends and Gaps in Identity of Jewish Followers of Messiah Yeshua in Israel". Pages 297-304 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Ann Friemel, "The Challenge of Messianic Jewish Movements for the Churches". Pages 57-72 in Jesus, King of the Jews? Messianic Judaism, Jewish Christians, and Theology Beyond Supersessionism. Edited by James E. Patrick. Vienna: Toward Jerusalem Council II, 2021.
David Rudolph, "One New Man, Hebrew Roots, Replacement Theology". The King's Collective, The King's University, 2021.
David Rudolph, "Was Paul Championing a New Freedom from—or End to—Jewish Law?" Pages 33-50 in Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Essays on the Relationship between Christianity and Judaism. Edited by Gerald R. McDermott. Bellingham: Lexham, 2021.
Mark S. Kinzer, "Messianic Judaism: Recovering the Jewish Character of the Ekklēsia". Pages 184-200 in Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Essays on the Relationship between Christianity and Judaism. Edited by Gerald R. McDermott. Bellingham: Lexham, 2021.
Jennifer M. Rosner, "Post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian Relations: Challenging Boundaries and Rethinking Theology". Pages 148-68 in Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Essays on the Relationship between Christianity and Judaism. Edited by Gerald R. McDermott. Bellingham: Lexham, 2021.
Kenneth Hanson, "The Shema, the Historical Jesus and Messianic Judaism". Pages 81-104 in Judaism and Jesus. Edited by Zev Garber and Kenneth Hanson. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2020.
Maria Chiara Rioli, "The Association of Saint James: a Hebrew-Christian Church in Israel". Pages 213-55 in Liminal Church: Refugees, Conversions and the Latin Diocese of Jerusalem, 1946-1956. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
John Dulin, "A Tale of Two Zionisms: Messianic Judaism and Ethiopian Jewry". The Christian Nation Project, 2020.
Jewish Voice Ministries International. Who We Are: A Collection of Essays by Messianic Jewish Writers. October 16, 2019.
Daniel C. Juster, "Approaching God: The Essence of Messianic Jewish Theology". Pages 59-103 in Messianic Jewish Orthodoxy: The Essence of Our Faith, History and Best Practices. Edited by Jeffrey Seif. Clarksville: Lederer, 2019.
Jeffrey L. Seif, "The Rise of Messianic Jewish Experience in Antiquity". Pages 197-224 in Messianic Jewish Orthodoxy: The Essence of Our Faith, History and Best Practices. Edited by Jeffrey Seif. Clarksville: Lederer, 2019.
Marcie Lenk, "Parted Ways Meet Again: Messianic Judaism in Israel". Pages 113-34 in Re-Making the World: Christianity and Categories: Essays in Honor of Karen L. King. Edited by Taylor G. Petrey. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019.
The International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS), The Non-Torah: Exposing the Mythology of Divine Oral Torah. 2019.
Deborah Pardo-Kaplan, "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and...Jesus: A Growing Number of Jewish Christians Are Recovering Their Distinctive Religious Heritage". Christianity Today 63:2 (March, 2019): 54-59.
Faydra L. Shapiro, "Jewish Communities in Unexpected Forms". The Jerusalem Post, September 17, 2018.
The Helsinki Consultation. "Collected Statements of The Helsinki Consultation on Jewish Continuity in the Body of Messiah". August 2018.
David Rudolph, "Luke's Portrait of Paul in Acts 21:17-26". Pages 192-205 in The Early Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew: Text, Narrative and Reception History. Edited by Isaac W. Oliver and Gabriele Boccaccini with Joshua Scott. London: T&T Clark, 2018,
Kristian Steiner and Anders P. Lundberg, "Loving Violent Arabs. A Study of Radicalism within the Israeli Messianic Movement". Pages 147-80 in Expressions of Radicalization: Global Politics, Processes, and Practices. Edited by Andreas Önnerfors and Kristian Steiner. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Theresa Newell, "The Rev. Dr. Jakob Jocz: CMJ Evangelist and Theologian." Olive Tree Research, 2018.
Yaakov Ariel, "Messianic Judaism". Pages 756-59 in The Jewish Annotated New Testament. Second Edition. Edited by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Richard Bauckham, "Messianic Jewish Identity in James." Pages 101-20 in Muted Voices of the New Testament: Readings in the Catholic Epistles and Hebrews. Edited by Katherine M. Hockey, Madison N. Pierce and Francis Watson. London: T&T Clark, 2017.
Judith Mendelsohn Rood, "I am Jewish: Reflections on Jewish Identity in the Holy Land". Pages 47-55 in A Land Full of Gods: Christian Perspectives on the Holy Land. Eugene: Cascade, 2017.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Zionism in Luke-Acts: Do the People of Israel and the Land of Israel Persist as Abiding Concerns in Luke’s Two Volumes?” Pages 141-65 in The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel & the Land. Edited by Gerald R. McDermott. Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity, 2016.
David Rudolph, “Zionism in Pauline Literature: Does Paul Eliminate Particularity for Israel and the Land in His Portrayal of Salvation Available for All the World?” Pages 167-94 in The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel & the Land. Edited by Gerald R. McDermott. Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity, 2016.
Chen Bram, "Bridging Messianic Christianity and Liberal Judaism: A Journey of an American Convert". Pages 369-92 in Becoming Jewish: New Jews and Emerging Jewish Communities in a Globalized World. Edited by Tudor Parfitt and Netanel Fisher. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2016.
Sarah Imhoff and Hillary Kaell, "Lost, Hidden, Discovered: Theologies of DNA in North American Judaism and Messianic Judaism". Pages 111-34 in Mishpachah: The Jewish Family in Tradition and in Transition. Edited by Leonard J. Greenspoon. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2016.
Frederico Dal Bo, "The Theological and Cultural Challenge of 'Messianic Jews.' Towards a New Jewish Paradigm?" Pages 33-58 in Pardes, Jesus in the Jewish Culture of the 19th and 20th century: Die Figur Jesu in der Jüdischen Kultur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, 2015.
Lex Rofes, "Are Messianic Jews Really 'Just Trying to Convert Us'? And Other Popular Misconceptions". Jewschool: Progressive Jews & Views, May 8, 2015.
Paul Spinrad, "Whither Messianic Judaism". Medium, December 13, 2014.
Shaye J. D. Cohen. “In Between: Jewish-Christians and the Curse of the Heretics.” Pages 207-36, 349-55 in Partings: How Judaism and Christianity Became Two. Edited by Hershel Shanks. Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 2014.
Yaakov Ariel, "Evangelical Jews: The Rise of Messianic Judaism". Pages 214-244 in An Unusual Relationship: Evangelical Christians and Jews. New York: NYU Press, 2013.
Tamir Erez, "Mission Not Accomplished: Negotiating Power Relations and Vulnerability among Messianic Jews in Israel". Pages 40-58 in Ethnographic Encounters in Israel: Poetics and Ethics of Fieldwork. Edited by Fran Markowitz. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013.
Rami Degani and Ruth Kark, "Christian and Messianic Jews' Communes in Israel". Pages 221-40 in The Communal Idea in the 21st Century. International Comparative Social Studies 30. Leiden: Brill, 2013.
David J. Rudolph, "Introduction." Pages 11-18 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
David J. Rudolph, "Messianic Judaism in Antiquity and the Modern Era." Pages 21-36 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
David Rudolph and Elliot Klayman, "Messianic Jewish Synagogues". Pages 37-50 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Seth N. Klayman, "Messianic Jewish Worship and Prayer." Pages 51-60 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Carl Kinbar, "Messianic Jews and Scripture". Pages 61-71 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Carl Kinbar, "Messianic Jews and Jewish Tradition". Pages 72-81 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Russ Resnik, "Messianic Jewish Ethics". Pages 82-89 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Stuart Dauermann, "Messianic Jewish Outreach". Pages 90-97 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Rachel Wolf, "Messianic Judaism and Women". Pages 98-106 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Akiva Cohen, "Messianic Jews in the Land of Israel". Pages 107-115 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Mitch Glaser, "Messianic Jewish National Organizations". Pages 116-25 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Mark S. Kinzer, "Messianic Jews and the Jewish World". Pages 126-35 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Daniel Juster, "Messianic Jews and the Gentile Christian World". Pages 136-44 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Jennifer M. Rosner, "Messianic Jews and Jewish-Christian Dialogue". Pages 145-55 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Joshua Brumbach, “The Role of Torah and Jewish Tradition in the Messianic Jewish Community.” Pages 51-64 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium III: How Jewish Should the Messianic Jewish Community Be? October 22-24, 2012. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2013.
Seth N. Klayman, "Reflections on the Role of Torah and Jewish Tradition at Congregation Sha'arei Shalom". Pages 65-84 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium III: How Jewish Should the Messianic Jewish Community Be? October 22-24, 2012. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2013.
Diane Cohen, "Our Relationship as Messianic Jews with the Wider Jewish Community from My Perspective". Pages 91-103 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium III: How Jewish Should the Messianic Jewish Community Be? October 22-24, 2012. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2013.
Carl Kinbar, "For the Common Good". Pages 19-37 in Gifts of the Spirit: Complete Conference Lectures. Marshfield: First Fruits of Zion, 2013.
S. H. R. Ben-Haim, “Postmissionary Messianic Judaism in Practice: Its Role in Forming and Informing Messianic Jewish Theology and Practice". Pages 137-53 in Chosen to Follow: Jewish Believers through History and Today. Edited by Knut H. Hoyland and Jakob W. Nielsen. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 2012.
Stuart Dauermann, “Jewish Believers in Yeshua and Halachic Torah Observance: Whether, What, and How?” Pages 187-204 in Chosen to Follow: Jewish Believers through History and Today. Edited by Knut H. Hoyland and Jakob W. Nielsen. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 2012.
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, "Statement of Faith". Albuquerque: UMJC, 2012.
Joshua Schwartz, "How Jewish to be Jewish? Self-Identity and Jewish Christians in First Century CE Palestine". Pages 55-73 in Judaea-Palaestina, Babylon and Rome: Jews in Antiquity. Edited by Benjamin Isaac and Yuval Shahar. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012.
Mitch Glaser, “The Significance of the Deity of Yeshua.” Pages 31-40 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Mark Kinzer, “The Significance of the Deity of Yeshua". Pages 23-30 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Elliot Klayman, “Jewish History and the Deity of Yeshua". Pages 41-76 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Akiva Cohen, “Community the Deity of Yeshua to Postmodern Jews". Pages 175-204 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Jhan Moskowitz, “How to Effectively Communicate the Deity of Messiah to a Jewish Post-Modern Community". Pages 164-74 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Richard Harvey, “Worship and Witness to the Deity of Yeshua”. Pages 129-63 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
John Fischer, “Soteriology: The View from Here". Pages 91-107 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium I: The Gospel and the Jewish People, October 8-10, 2007. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Final Destinies: Qualifications for Receiving an Eschatological Inheritance". Pages 131-63 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium I: The Gospel and the Jewish People, October 8-10, 2007. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Vladimir Pikman, “Presenting the Gospel to the Jewish People: Communicational Perspective". Pages 91-107 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium I: The Gospel and the Jewish People, October 8-10, 2007. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Richard Harvey, “‘What Then?’ Towards a Messianic Jewish Missiology". Pages 227-44 in Chosen to Follow: Jewish Believers through History and Today. Edited by Knut H. Hoyland and Jakob W. Nielsen. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 2012.
Stuart Dauermann, “What Is the Gospel We Should Be Commending to All Israel in These Times of Transition?” Pages 47-84 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium I: The Gospel and the Jewish People, October 8-10, 2007. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Daniel C. Juster, “A Messianic Jew Looks at the Land Promises". Pages 63-81 in The Land Cries Out: Theology of the Land in the Israeli-Palestinian Context. Edited by Salim J. Munayer and Lisa Loden. Eugene: Cascade, 2012.
Joseph Shulam, “The Biblical Concept of Inheritance". Pages 132-141 in The Land Cries Out: Theology of the Land in the Israeli-Palestinian Context. Edited by Salim J. Munayer and Lisa Loden. Eugene: Cascade, 2012.
Darrell L. Bock, “The Canon of Scripture and the Deity of Christ: Is it Kosher to Substitute Jesus into God’s Place?” Pages 79-93 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Jean-Miguel Garrigues, "Complementarity Between the Vocations of Jews and Gentiles in the Church of Christ". Translation of pages 125-28, 142-45 in Jean-Miguel Garrigues, Le Saint-Esprit sceau de la Trinité : le Filioque et l’originalité trinitaire de l’Esprit dans sa personne et dans sa mission. Paris: du Cerf, 2011.
Kinzer, Mark S. “Toward a Theology of Messianic Judaism". Pages 14-26 in Israel’s Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenantal Identity. Edited by Jennifer M. Rosner. Eugene: Cascade, 2011.
Elliot R. Wolfson, "Immanuel Frommann's Commentary on Luke and the Christianizing of Kabbalah: Some Sabbatean and Hasidic Affinities". Pages 171-22 in Holy Dissent: Jewish and Christian Mystics in Eastern Europe. Edited by Glenn Dynner. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2011.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Prayer in Yeshua, Prayer in Israel: The Shema in Messianic Perspective". Pages 62-87 in Israel’s Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenantal Identity. Edited by Jennifer M. Rosner. Eugene: Cascade, 2011.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Final Destinies: Qualifications for Receiving an Eschatological Inheritance". Pages 126-55 in Israel’s Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenantal Identity. Edited by Jennifer M. Rosner. Eugene: Cascade, 2011.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Messianic Judaism and Jewish Tradition in the Twenty-First Century: A Biblical Defense of Oral Torah". Pages 29-61 in Israel’s Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenantal Identity. Edited by Jennifer M. Rosner. Eugene: Cascade, 2011.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Beginning with the End: The Place of Eschatology in the Messianic Jewish Canonical Narrative". Pages 91-125 in Mark S. Kinzer, Israel’s Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenantal Identity. Edited by Jennifer M. Rosner. Eugene: Cascade, 2011.
Richard Harvey, “Implicit Universalism in Some Christian Zionism and Messianic Judaism". Pages 209-34 in Jesus, Salvation and the Jewish People: Papers on the Uniqueness of Jesus and Jewish Evangelism Presented at a conference conducted by the WEA Theological Commission, 18-22 August 2008, Wolterdorf, Berlin, Germany. Edited by David Parker. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2011.
Michael Brown, “Messianic Jewish Reflections on the Holocaust and Jewish Evangelism". Pages 166-183 in Jesus, Salvation and the Jewish People: Papers on the Uniqueness of Jesus and Jewish Evangelism Presented at a conference conducted by the WEA Theological Commission, 18-22 August 2008, Wolterdorf, Berlin, Germany. Edited by David Parker. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2011.
Darrell Bock, “Replacement Theology with Implications for Messianic Jewish Relations". Pages 235-47 in Jesus, Salvation and the Jewish People: Papers on the Uniqueness of Jesus and Jewish Evangelism Presented at a conference conducted by the WEA Theological Commission, 18-22 August 2008, Wolterdorf, Berlin, Germany. Edited by David Parker. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2011.
Matt Friedman, "Mission and Judaism: Back to the Future: Nineteenth Century Foundations of Messianic Judaism". Pages 204-21 in Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic Age: Christian Mission among Other Faiths. Edited by Lalsangkima Pachuau Knud Jørgensen. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2011.
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, "Introducing Messianic Judaism and the UMJC." Albuquerque: UMJC, 2010.
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, “A Working Definition of Jewish Identity." Albuquerque: UMJC, 2010.
Matthew Levering, "Supersessionism and Messianic Judaism". Pages 12-46 in Jewish-Christian Dialogue and the Life of Wisdom: Engagements with the Theology of David Novak. New York: Continuum, 2010.
Lutz Greisiger, "Israel in the Church and the Church in Israel: The Formation of Jewish Christian Communities as a Proselytising Strategy Within and Outside the German Pietist Mission to the Jews of the Eighteenth Century". Pages 129-54 in Pietism and Community in Europe and North America 1650-1850. Edited by Jonathan Strom. Leiden: Brill, 2010.
Peter Hocken, "The Messianic Jewish Movement: New Current and Old Reality". Pages 97-115 in The Challenges of the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Messianic Jewish Movements. Burlington: Ashgate, 2009.
David J. Rudolph, "History of Judeo-Christian Communities in the Jewish Diaspora". Pages 136-139 in Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora: Origins, Experiences, and Culture. Vol. 1. Edited by M. Avrum Ehrlich. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2008.
David J. Rudolph, "Contemporary Judeo-Christian Communities in the Jewish Diaspora". Pages 146-150 in Encyclopedia of the Jewish Diaspora: Origins, Experiences, and Culture. Vol. 1. Edited by M. Avrum Ehrlich. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2008.
David Novak, "When Jews Are Christians". Pages 218-28 in Talking with Christians: Musings of a Jewish Theologian. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005.
David Klinghoffer, "Are We Being Fair to Messianic Jews?" Forward, 10 June 2005.
Daniel C. Juster and Russ Resnik, "One Law Movements: A Challenge to the Messianic Jewish Community". Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, January 28, 2005.
Edward Kessler, "Messianic Jews". Pages 292-93 in A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations. Edited by Edward Kessler and Neil Wenborn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert, "Jewish Christians, Judaizers, and Christian Anti-Judaism". Pages 234-54 in Late Ancient Christianity, ed. Virginia Burrus. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005.
Gershon Nerel, "From Death to Life: The Restoration of Jewish Yeshua-Believers in the Land of Israel". Pages 168-88 in Israel: His People, His Land, His Story. Edited by Fred Wright. Eastbourne: Thankful Books, 2005.
Daniel Juster and Peter Hocken, "The Messianic Jewish Movement: An Introduction". Toward Jerusalem Council II, 2004.
John G. Gager, "Did Jewish Christians See the Rise of Islam?" Pages 361–72 in The Ways that Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Edited by Adam H. Becker and Annette Yoshiko Reed. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003.
Daniel Boyarin, "Semantic Differences; or, 'Judaism'/'Christianity'". Pages 65-85 in The Ways that Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Edited by Adam H. Becker and Annette Yoshiko Reed. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2003.
Gershon Nerel, "Primitive Jewish Christians in the Modern Thought of Messianic Jews". Pages 399-425 in Le Judéo-Christianisme Dans Tous Ses États. Edited by Simon Mimouni and F. Stanley Jones. Lectio Divina Hors Série. Actes Du Colloque de Jérusalem 6-10 Juillet 1998. Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2001.
Daniel C. Juster, “Biblical Authority". Pages 19-27 in Voices of Messianic Judaism: Confronting Critical Issues Facing a Maturing Movement. Edited by Dan Cohn-Sherbok. Baltimore: Lederer, 2001.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Scripture and Tradition". Pages 29-37 in Voices of Messianic Judaism: Confronting Critical Issues Facing a Maturing Movement. Edited by Dan Cohn-Sherbok. Baltimore: Lederer, 2001.
Russell Resnik, “Halakhic Responsibility". Pages 39-46 in Voices of Messianic Judaism: Confronting Critical Issues Facing a Maturing Movement. Edited by Dan Cohn-Sherbok. Baltimore: Lederer, 2001.
Mark S. Kinzer, "The Nature of Messianic Judaism: Judaism as Genus, Messianic as Species". West Hartford: Hashivenu Archives, 2000.
Elliot Klayman, "Messianic Jews and the Law of Return". Pages 73-78 in The Enduring Paradox: Exploratory Essays in Messianic Judaism. Edited by John Fischer. Baltimore: Lederer, 2000.
David H. Stern, "The People of God, the Promises of God, and the Land of Israel". Pages 73-78 in The Enduring Paradox: Exploratory Essays in Messianic Judaism. Edited by John Fischer. Baltimore: Lederer, 2000.
David H. Stern, "The Significance of Jerusalem for Messianic Jews". Pages 79-94 in The Enduring Paradox: Exploratory Essays in Messianic Judaism. Edited by John Fischer. Baltimore: Lederer, 2000.
John Fischer, “The Place of Rabbinic Tradition in a Messianic Jewish Lifestyle". Pages 145-70 in The Enduring Paradox: Exploratory Essays in Messianic Judaism. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2000.
Edward J. Kessler, "Book's Sympathy for Messianists Unites Movements in Opposition: Rabbi; Hebrew Christians Are Jews in 'Funhouse Mirror'". Forward, 4 June 1999.
Daniel Juster, "Towards a Messianic Jewish Theology". Pages 57-62 in Jewish Identity and Faith in Jesus. Edited by Kai Kjaer-Hansen. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 1996.
David H. Stern, "Court Cases and the Struggle for Aliyah". Pages 87-96 in Jewish Identity and Faith in Jesus. Edited by Kai Kjaer-Hansen. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 1996.
Daniel Juster, "Messianic Judaism and the Torah". Pages 113-121 in Jewish Identity and Faith in Jesus. Edited by Kai Kjaer-Hansen. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 1996.
Gerson Nerel, "Messianic Jews and the Modern Zionist Movement". Pages 75-84 in Israel and Yeshua. Edited by Torleif Elgvin. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 1993.
Daniel Oswald Rufeisen, "Hebrew Christians between Early and Later Christian Traditions". Pages 49-55 in Israel and Yeshua. Edited by Torleif Elgvin. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 1993.
David Rudolph, “A Messianic Jewish Response [to N. T. Wright's Theology of Israel]”. Pages 103-29 in God’s Israel and the Israel of God: A Conversation on Pauline Supersessionism. Edited by Michael F. Bird and Scot McKnight. Bellingham: Lexham, 2023.
David Rudolph, “Ecclesiological Vision for L’Dor Vador: Paul and Jewish Identity in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 and 7:17-24”. Pages 233-58 in The Future Restoration of Israel. Edited by Stanley E. Porter and Alan E. Kurschner. McMaster Biblical Studies Series 10. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
David Rudolph, "Describing the Church in Relation to Israel: The Language of George Lindbeck and Ephesians 2-3". Pages 219-32 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Jennifer M. Rosner, "The Land in Messianic Context". Pages 204-18 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Gavin D'Costa, "Hebrew Catholics: Constitutive of the 'Body of Christ'?" Pages 32-43 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Holly Taylor Coolman, "Jewish Church: A New (and Ancient) Agenda for Catholic Theology". Pages 18-31 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Lee B. Spitzer, "Covenant Partners: Messianic Jews, Jewish Christians, and Bilateral Ecclesiology". Pages 268-80 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Antoine Levy, "Bilateral Ecclesiology and Three-Dimensionality of the People of God". Pages 130-43 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Isaac Oliver, "One Body, Two Restored Peoples: Bilateral Ecclesiology and Eschatology in Romans and Luke-Acts". Pages 181-92 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Vered Hillel, "The Parable of the Vineyard in Mark 12:1-12 as Contested Authority". Pages 81-91 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
David M. Neuhaus, "Torah as Gospel: A Conversation with Mark S. Kinzer". Pages 167-80 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Richard Harvey, "'An English Jewish Christian Heart': Mark John Levy as a Forerunner of Postmissionary Messianic Judaism". Pages 66-80 in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer. Edited by Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer M. Rosner, and David J. Rudolph. Eugene: Pickwick, 2023.
Rukhl Schaechter, "The church preacher who gave sermons in Yiddish: Joseph Rabinowitz, a 19th century Hasid who found Jesus, hoped that his Christian-Jewish sect would improve the fate of the Jew". Forward, 5 June 2023.
Emma O’Donnell Polyakov, "Jewish-Christian Identities in Conflict: The Cases of Fr. Daniel Rufeisen and Fr. Elias Friedman". Jewish-Christian Relations. International Council of Christians and Jews, 6 January 2023.
Shalom Goldman, "Apostasy, Identity, and Erudition: Paul Levertoff (1878-1954)". Pages 319-36 in Hebrew between Jews and Christians. Edited by Daniel Stein Kokin. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2023.
Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, "Nazarenes (נוצרים) in Rabbinic Sources: What Does a Study of the Term Reveal about Rabbinic Attitudes to Christians?” Pages 455-68 in Negotiating Identities: Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE–600 CE). Edited by Karin Hedner Zetterholm, Anders Runesson, Cecilia Wassen, and Magnes Zetterholm. Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2022.
Karin Hedner Zetterholm, "Christ Assemblies within a Jewish Context: Reconstructing a Social Setting for the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies". Pages 329-350 in Negotiating Identities: Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE–600 CE). Edited by Karin Hedner Zetterholm, Anders Runesson, Cecilia Wassen, and Magnes Zetterholm. Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2022.
Wally V. Cirafesi, "Jewish Christ-Followers in Capernaum before the Fourth Century? Reconsidering the Texts and Archaeology". Pages 293-327 in Negotiating Identities: Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE–600 CE). Edited by Karin Hedner Zetterholm, Anders Runesson, Cecilia Wassen, and Magnes Zetterholm. Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2022.
David Rudolph, "Mutual Blessing between Jewish and Japanese Believers in Jesus Prior to World War II". Pages 211-27 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Jim Sibley, "Judah Monis: 'First' American Jewish Believer". Pages 229-42 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Pieter A. Siebesma, "Jewish Christians in the Netherlands: Four Examples of Yiddish-Speaking Evangelists in the Netherlands and Antwerp (Belgium) between 1900 and 1945". Pages 243-58 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Yaakov Ariel, "Encounters with Jewish Evangelism and Messianic Judaism: An Israeli Perspective". Pages 259-64 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Michael L. Brown, "The Place of Debate in Jewish Outreach". Pages 265-76 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Mark S. Kinzer, "Judaism and the Divine-Human Jesus". Pages 281-89 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Erez Soref, "Trends and Gaps in Identity of Jewish Followers of Messiah Yeshua in Israel". Pages 297-304 in Upholding God’s Word, Reaching God’s Chosen: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Mitchell L. Glaser. Edited by Jim Melnick, Zhava Glaser, Gregory Hagg, et al. New York: KIFM, 2022.
Ann Friemel, "The Challenge of Messianic Jewish Movements for the Churches". Pages 57-72 in Jesus, King of the Jews? Messianic Judaism, Jewish Christians, and Theology Beyond Supersessionism. Edited by James E. Patrick. Vienna: Toward Jerusalem Council II, 2021.
David Rudolph, "One New Man, Hebrew Roots, Replacement Theology". The King's Collective, The King's University, 2021.
David Rudolph, "Was Paul Championing a New Freedom from—or End to—Jewish Law?" Pages 33-50 in Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Essays on the Relationship between Christianity and Judaism. Edited by Gerald R. McDermott. Bellingham: Lexham, 2021.
Mark S. Kinzer, "Messianic Judaism: Recovering the Jewish Character of the Ekklēsia". Pages 184-200 in Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Essays on the Relationship between Christianity and Judaism. Edited by Gerald R. McDermott. Bellingham: Lexham, 2021.
Jennifer M. Rosner, "Post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian Relations: Challenging Boundaries and Rethinking Theology". Pages 148-68 in Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Essays on the Relationship between Christianity and Judaism. Edited by Gerald R. McDermott. Bellingham: Lexham, 2021.
Kenneth Hanson, "The Shema, the Historical Jesus and Messianic Judaism". Pages 81-104 in Judaism and Jesus. Edited by Zev Garber and Kenneth Hanson. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2020.
Maria Chiara Rioli, "The Association of Saint James: a Hebrew-Christian Church in Israel". Pages 213-55 in Liminal Church: Refugees, Conversions and the Latin Diocese of Jerusalem, 1946-1956. Leiden: Brill, 2020.
John Dulin, "A Tale of Two Zionisms: Messianic Judaism and Ethiopian Jewry". The Christian Nation Project, 2020.
Jewish Voice Ministries International. Who We Are: A Collection of Essays by Messianic Jewish Writers. October 16, 2019.
Daniel C. Juster, "Approaching God: The Essence of Messianic Jewish Theology". Pages 59-103 in Messianic Jewish Orthodoxy: The Essence of Our Faith, History and Best Practices. Edited by Jeffrey Seif. Clarksville: Lederer, 2019.
Jeffrey L. Seif, "The Rise of Messianic Jewish Experience in Antiquity". Pages 197-224 in Messianic Jewish Orthodoxy: The Essence of Our Faith, History and Best Practices. Edited by Jeffrey Seif. Clarksville: Lederer, 2019.
Marcie Lenk, "Parted Ways Meet Again: Messianic Judaism in Israel". Pages 113-34 in Re-Making the World: Christianity and Categories: Essays in Honor of Karen L. King. Edited by Taylor G. Petrey. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019.
The International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS), The Non-Torah: Exposing the Mythology of Divine Oral Torah. 2019.
Deborah Pardo-Kaplan, "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and...Jesus: A Growing Number of Jewish Christians Are Recovering Their Distinctive Religious Heritage". Christianity Today 63:2 (March, 2019): 54-59.
Faydra L. Shapiro, "Jewish Communities in Unexpected Forms". The Jerusalem Post, September 17, 2018.
The Helsinki Consultation. "Collected Statements of The Helsinki Consultation on Jewish Continuity in the Body of Messiah". August 2018.
David Rudolph, "Luke's Portrait of Paul in Acts 21:17-26". Pages 192-205 in The Early Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew: Text, Narrative and Reception History. Edited by Isaac W. Oliver and Gabriele Boccaccini with Joshua Scott. London: T&T Clark, 2018,
Kristian Steiner and Anders P. Lundberg, "Loving Violent Arabs. A Study of Radicalism within the Israeli Messianic Movement". Pages 147-80 in Expressions of Radicalization: Global Politics, Processes, and Practices. Edited by Andreas Önnerfors and Kristian Steiner. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
Theresa Newell, "The Rev. Dr. Jakob Jocz: CMJ Evangelist and Theologian." Olive Tree Research, 2018.
Yaakov Ariel, "Messianic Judaism". Pages 756-59 in The Jewish Annotated New Testament. Second Edition. Edited by Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Richard Bauckham, "Messianic Jewish Identity in James." Pages 101-20 in Muted Voices of the New Testament: Readings in the Catholic Epistles and Hebrews. Edited by Katherine M. Hockey, Madison N. Pierce and Francis Watson. London: T&T Clark, 2017.
Judith Mendelsohn Rood, "I am Jewish: Reflections on Jewish Identity in the Holy Land". Pages 47-55 in A Land Full of Gods: Christian Perspectives on the Holy Land. Eugene: Cascade, 2017.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Zionism in Luke-Acts: Do the People of Israel and the Land of Israel Persist as Abiding Concerns in Luke’s Two Volumes?” Pages 141-65 in The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel & the Land. Edited by Gerald R. McDermott. Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity, 2016.
David Rudolph, “Zionism in Pauline Literature: Does Paul Eliminate Particularity for Israel and the Land in His Portrayal of Salvation Available for All the World?” Pages 167-94 in The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel & the Land. Edited by Gerald R. McDermott. Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity, 2016.
Chen Bram, "Bridging Messianic Christianity and Liberal Judaism: A Journey of an American Convert". Pages 369-92 in Becoming Jewish: New Jews and Emerging Jewish Communities in a Globalized World. Edited by Tudor Parfitt and Netanel Fisher. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2016.
Sarah Imhoff and Hillary Kaell, "Lost, Hidden, Discovered: Theologies of DNA in North American Judaism and Messianic Judaism". Pages 111-34 in Mishpachah: The Jewish Family in Tradition and in Transition. Edited by Leonard J. Greenspoon. West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, 2016.
Frederico Dal Bo, "The Theological and Cultural Challenge of 'Messianic Jews.' Towards a New Jewish Paradigm?" Pages 33-58 in Pardes, Jesus in the Jewish Culture of the 19th and 20th century: Die Figur Jesu in der Jüdischen Kultur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, 2015.
Lex Rofes, "Are Messianic Jews Really 'Just Trying to Convert Us'? And Other Popular Misconceptions". Jewschool: Progressive Jews & Views, May 8, 2015.
Paul Spinrad, "Whither Messianic Judaism". Medium, December 13, 2014.
Shaye J. D. Cohen. “In Between: Jewish-Christians and the Curse of the Heretics.” Pages 207-36, 349-55 in Partings: How Judaism and Christianity Became Two. Edited by Hershel Shanks. Washington, DC: Biblical Archaeology Society, 2014.
Yaakov Ariel, "Evangelical Jews: The Rise of Messianic Judaism". Pages 214-244 in An Unusual Relationship: Evangelical Christians and Jews. New York: NYU Press, 2013.
Tamir Erez, "Mission Not Accomplished: Negotiating Power Relations and Vulnerability among Messianic Jews in Israel". Pages 40-58 in Ethnographic Encounters in Israel: Poetics and Ethics of Fieldwork. Edited by Fran Markowitz. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013.
Rami Degani and Ruth Kark, "Christian and Messianic Jews' Communes in Israel". Pages 221-40 in The Communal Idea in the 21st Century. International Comparative Social Studies 30. Leiden: Brill, 2013.
David J. Rudolph, "Introduction." Pages 11-18 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
David J. Rudolph, "Messianic Judaism in Antiquity and the Modern Era." Pages 21-36 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
David Rudolph and Elliot Klayman, "Messianic Jewish Synagogues". Pages 37-50 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Seth N. Klayman, "Messianic Jewish Worship and Prayer." Pages 51-60 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Carl Kinbar, "Messianic Jews and Scripture". Pages 61-71 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Carl Kinbar, "Messianic Jews and Jewish Tradition". Pages 72-81 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Russ Resnik, "Messianic Jewish Ethics". Pages 82-89 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Stuart Dauermann, "Messianic Jewish Outreach". Pages 90-97 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Rachel Wolf, "Messianic Judaism and Women". Pages 98-106 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Akiva Cohen, "Messianic Jews in the Land of Israel". Pages 107-115 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Mitch Glaser, "Messianic Jewish National Organizations". Pages 116-25 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Mark S. Kinzer, "Messianic Jews and the Jewish World". Pages 126-35 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Daniel Juster, "Messianic Jews and the Gentile Christian World". Pages 136-44 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Jennifer M. Rosner, "Messianic Jews and Jewish-Christian Dialogue". Pages 145-55 in Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Edited by David J. Rudolph and Joel Willitts. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2013.
Joshua Brumbach, “The Role of Torah and Jewish Tradition in the Messianic Jewish Community.” Pages 51-64 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium III: How Jewish Should the Messianic Jewish Community Be? October 22-24, 2012. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2013.
Seth N. Klayman, "Reflections on the Role of Torah and Jewish Tradition at Congregation Sha'arei Shalom". Pages 65-84 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium III: How Jewish Should the Messianic Jewish Community Be? October 22-24, 2012. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2013.
Diane Cohen, "Our Relationship as Messianic Jews with the Wider Jewish Community from My Perspective". Pages 91-103 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium III: How Jewish Should the Messianic Jewish Community Be? October 22-24, 2012. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2013.
Carl Kinbar, "For the Common Good". Pages 19-37 in Gifts of the Spirit: Complete Conference Lectures. Marshfield: First Fruits of Zion, 2013.
S. H. R. Ben-Haim, “Postmissionary Messianic Judaism in Practice: Its Role in Forming and Informing Messianic Jewish Theology and Practice". Pages 137-53 in Chosen to Follow: Jewish Believers through History and Today. Edited by Knut H. Hoyland and Jakob W. Nielsen. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 2012.
Stuart Dauermann, “Jewish Believers in Yeshua and Halachic Torah Observance: Whether, What, and How?” Pages 187-204 in Chosen to Follow: Jewish Believers through History and Today. Edited by Knut H. Hoyland and Jakob W. Nielsen. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 2012.
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Joshua Schwartz, "How Jewish to be Jewish? Self-Identity and Jewish Christians in First Century CE Palestine". Pages 55-73 in Judaea-Palaestina, Babylon and Rome: Jews in Antiquity. Edited by Benjamin Isaac and Yuval Shahar. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012.
Mitch Glaser, “The Significance of the Deity of Yeshua.” Pages 31-40 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Mark Kinzer, “The Significance of the Deity of Yeshua". Pages 23-30 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Elliot Klayman, “Jewish History and the Deity of Yeshua". Pages 41-76 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Akiva Cohen, “Community the Deity of Yeshua to Postmodern Jews". Pages 175-204 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Jhan Moskowitz, “How to Effectively Communicate the Deity of Messiah to a Jewish Post-Modern Community". Pages 164-74 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Richard Harvey, “Worship and Witness to the Deity of Yeshua”. Pages 129-63 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
John Fischer, “Soteriology: The View from Here". Pages 91-107 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium I: The Gospel and the Jewish People, October 8-10, 2007. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Final Destinies: Qualifications for Receiving an Eschatological Inheritance". Pages 131-63 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium I: The Gospel and the Jewish People, October 8-10, 2007. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Vladimir Pikman, “Presenting the Gospel to the Jewish People: Communicational Perspective". Pages 91-107 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium I: The Gospel and the Jewish People, October 8-10, 2007. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Richard Harvey, “‘What Then?’ Towards a Messianic Jewish Missiology". Pages 227-44 in Chosen to Follow: Jewish Believers through History and Today. Edited by Knut H. Hoyland and Jakob W. Nielsen. Jerusalem: Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, 2012.
Stuart Dauermann, “What Is the Gospel We Should Be Commending to All Israel in These Times of Transition?” Pages 47-84 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium I: The Gospel and the Jewish People, October 8-10, 2007. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Daniel C. Juster, “A Messianic Jew Looks at the Land Promises". Pages 63-81 in The Land Cries Out: Theology of the Land in the Israeli-Palestinian Context. Edited by Salim J. Munayer and Lisa Loden. Eugene: Cascade, 2012.
Joseph Shulam, “The Biblical Concept of Inheritance". Pages 132-141 in The Land Cries Out: Theology of the Land in the Israeli-Palestinian Context. Edited by Salim J. Munayer and Lisa Loden. Eugene: Cascade, 2012.
Darrell L. Bock, “The Canon of Scripture and the Deity of Christ: Is it Kosher to Substitute Jesus into God’s Place?” Pages 79-93 in The Borough Park Papers: Symposium II: The Deity of Messiah and the Mystery of God, April 12-14, 2010. Clarksville: Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2012.
Jean-Miguel Garrigues, "Complementarity Between the Vocations of Jews and Gentiles in the Church of Christ". Translation of pages 125-28, 142-45 in Jean-Miguel Garrigues, Le Saint-Esprit sceau de la Trinité : le Filioque et l’originalité trinitaire de l’Esprit dans sa personne et dans sa mission. Paris: du Cerf, 2011.
Kinzer, Mark S. “Toward a Theology of Messianic Judaism". Pages 14-26 in Israel’s Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenantal Identity. Edited by Jennifer M. Rosner. Eugene: Cascade, 2011.
Elliot R. Wolfson, "Immanuel Frommann's Commentary on Luke and the Christianizing of Kabbalah: Some Sabbatean and Hasidic Affinities". Pages 171-22 in Holy Dissent: Jewish and Christian Mystics in Eastern Europe. Edited by Glenn Dynner. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2011.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Prayer in Yeshua, Prayer in Israel: The Shema in Messianic Perspective". Pages 62-87 in Israel’s Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenantal Identity. Edited by Jennifer M. Rosner. Eugene: Cascade, 2011.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Final Destinies: Qualifications for Receiving an Eschatological Inheritance". Pages 126-55 in Israel’s Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenantal Identity. Edited by Jennifer M. Rosner. Eugene: Cascade, 2011.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Messianic Judaism and Jewish Tradition in the Twenty-First Century: A Biblical Defense of Oral Torah". Pages 29-61 in Israel’s Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenantal Identity. Edited by Jennifer M. Rosner. Eugene: Cascade, 2011.
Mark S. Kinzer, “Beginning with the End: The Place of Eschatology in the Messianic Jewish Canonical Narrative". Pages 91-125 in Mark S. Kinzer, Israel’s Messiah and the People of God: A Vision for Messianic Jewish Covenantal Identity. Edited by Jennifer M. Rosner. Eugene: Cascade, 2011.
Richard Harvey, “Implicit Universalism in Some Christian Zionism and Messianic Judaism". Pages 209-34 in Jesus, Salvation and the Jewish People: Papers on the Uniqueness of Jesus and Jewish Evangelism Presented at a conference conducted by the WEA Theological Commission, 18-22 August 2008, Wolterdorf, Berlin, Germany. Edited by David Parker. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2011.
Michael Brown, “Messianic Jewish Reflections on the Holocaust and Jewish Evangelism". Pages 166-183 in Jesus, Salvation and the Jewish People: Papers on the Uniqueness of Jesus and Jewish Evangelism Presented at a conference conducted by the WEA Theological Commission, 18-22 August 2008, Wolterdorf, Berlin, Germany. Edited by David Parker. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2011.
Darrell Bock, “Replacement Theology with Implications for Messianic Jewish Relations". Pages 235-47 in Jesus, Salvation and the Jewish People: Papers on the Uniqueness of Jesus and Jewish Evangelism Presented at a conference conducted by the WEA Theological Commission, 18-22 August 2008, Wolterdorf, Berlin, Germany. Edited by David Parker. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2011.
Matt Friedman, "Mission and Judaism: Back to the Future: Nineteenth Century Foundations of Messianic Judaism". Pages 204-21 in Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic Age: Christian Mission among Other Faiths. Edited by Lalsangkima Pachuau Knud Jørgensen. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2011.
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations, "Introducing Messianic Judaism and the UMJC." Albuquerque: UMJC, 2010.
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